Monday, September 9, 2013

A Typical Day

I thought a lot about how to structure our day.  Unschooling, though intriguing, is too loose.  Online school, though easier for me, is too rigid.  Will doesn't need a strict schedule, but appreciates knowing what's coming up in the day/week.  With that in mind, I decided on a school-like setting with my own curriculum based on his strengths and weaknesses.  I also incorporated a sensory diet similar to what his OT (who we all adored), put in place last year.  

The one thing that I knew I wanted and he needed was the opportunity to talk all day long.  Sitting quietly in a classroom does not help his speech.  Speech and communication connections in the brain are made rapidly when actual speech and communication occur.  So talking literally creates more talking.  And the opposite is true too: limited speech creates limited gains in speech.  Besides getting to talk all day long, we provide very intentional speech lessons four times a week.  He is blossoming before our eyes (and it's only been three weeks).  

So far, the schedule seems to be working.  I am fully willing to tweak things as they are needed. But so far, so good!

Here is our plan for second grade unit themes:

This is our weekly schedule:

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