Wednesday, September 11, 2013


A lot of what I am doing with Will in the first month of homeschool is untangling.  By the end of last school year, he was melting down at least once a day.

- Afraid to make a mistake.
- Afraid to try.
- Getting upset because he of course had to try.
- Getting upset because he made a mistake.
- Getting in trouble for being upset.
- Getting more upset for getting in trouble.
- Getting in more trouble for getting more upset.
- Getting a frowny face report sent home.
- Getting more upset because a frowny face (to him) meant he was a bad boy.
- Nervous to go to school the next day in fear of more of the same (which ended up being the case many days).

A big tangled mess.

No learning can take place when someone is so tangled in a web of fear, anxiety, frustration, confusion, and overwhelm (and a healthy dose of sensory overload, too).

My job as his mother & teacher is to untangle this web.  He's made a lot of progress, but it is still a daily project.  My plan for continued improvement includes:
- encouragement
- specific praise
- reminders of his past accomplishments
- giving him realistic amounts of work
- letting him learn at his own pace
- lots of patience
- staying calm when/if he gets upset
- discussing the days plans before school starts so he knows what to expect


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