Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So I had a moment...

Okay, okay... so I had a moment. 

I am usually very positive about how things are going here at home.  I am very happy.  But better yet... Will is very happy.  His anxiety has all but vanished.  He is embracing homeschooling and is learning at or above the rate I anticipated.  His creativity is blossoming.  He has more focus.  His communication has improved dramatically from last year this time.

But after listening to a table full of moms of boys the same age as Will talk about what their boys are up to... I got sad.  I started to compare Will's path to theirs.  I was sad about the birthday parties and the basketball games and the bowling fun and the school stuff... that Will isn't a part of.  I was sad for the path that I thought my child, too, would be on.  The path right there with his peers.  But he's not.  And he might not be there for quite some time yet.  Or ever.

But I forgot.  I forgot that none of this matters.  I know to my core that love and happiness and success come in many forms.  I know that Will is going to be okay.  I know that he probably wouldn't even enjoy the birthday parties or the basketball games or (especially) the school stuff.  Those just aren't his things and that's okay.  He's allowed to take his own path. 

So I had a moment.  I suppose I'm allowed.  Like most mothers, I have a tendency to try to protect his heart with my own.  But now I'm back. Back to remembering what is important to me as I navigate MY own path. 

On we go...


  1. I know it's not the exact same but I have those moments too with Sadie and Courtney and eating gluten free. Once in awhile I have a private pity party when I pause for a second too long to compare our lives to others. Hugs to you. You're doing a great job.

  2. "pause for a second too long"... exactly!
