Thursday, September 5, 2013

Our boy

Our boy.  Our baby.  The happiest and most genuine person we know.  He is funny, charming, super smart, unique, joyful... the list goes on and on.

We knew he was wired differently than other kids his age when he was three-ish.  Hours and hours of research and doctor visits later... we realized that he had hyperlexia (and later, Sensory Processing Disorder).  Hyperlexia is characterized by early reading and intense fascination with numbers and letters combined with the severe delay in understanding verbal speech.  There are many other aspects to hyperlexia, and I encourage you to google it to find out more about this obscure condition, though the research is very limited.  

We were scared and sad at the beginning as we allowed reality to settle in.  What in the world did this mean for his future? OUR future?  But we have never once looked at him and thought "This is our disabled child." Never.  He is just our Will.  We embrace his uniqueness and love him just as he is.  

This uniqueness, however, made public school a challenge.  He was no longer thriving there.  As we begin our homeschooling journey, we are excited to see him grow into his full potential.  

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