Thursday, September 5, 2013

Grandma Lynn: Science Teacher

We are beyond lucky to have many teachers in our lives.  I don't mean the "this person taught me so much through this experience" kind of teacher (but we have plenty of those, too!).  I mean actual teachers... teachers with degrees in science education, early childhood education, elementary education, special education, and even agriculture education!  And all of these teachers have volunteered to help us out in any way they can.  We intend to take them up on their offers.

My mom, Grandma Lynn, is a retired high school science teacher.  She has excitedly volunteered her time once each week to teach science to Will.  I guarantee he has learned more in the first three weeks of one-on-one science (home)education than he would have grasped in an entire year of public school second grade science.  We are so grateful that be gets to have this learning experience.  Not to mention quality time with grandma.  :)

Not only is this good for the two of them, but it is good for Jay and I.  While science class is in progress, we get an hour each week to go on a nice long bike ride together sans children.  I have noticed so far that the biggest downside to homeschooling is that I feel very cooped up some days.  These bike rides are just the pick-me-up that I need!

Here are grandma and Will doing some Lego science... learning about: weight, heavy, light, equal, more, less, balanced, data collection, estimating, etc.

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