Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Help Others... a REAL Social Studies Lesson

Today's Social Studies lesson was my favorite so far.  Nothing in the second grade standards, ironically titled "People Working Together", mentions helping one another.  So I broke from the suggested curriculum (as I'm finding myself doing more and more), and focused on just that... helping others.

I simply talked to Will about the fact that there are children who live in our community who don't have enough food to eat.  He immediately teared up**. Then he offered suggestions on how to help before I could even ask him.   He came up with a very kid-friendly list of food all on his own:

- apple juice
- crackers
- Spaghetti-o's
- green beans
- Cocoa Puffs cereal
- baked beans
- peanut butter

He also wanted to add apples, chocolate milk, and ice water.  :)

Next week during our Social Studies time, we will make a special trip to the grocery store to purchase these items. Then we will deliver them to the local food pantry.  

So... instead of this:

We did this:

Simple, real, and important.  Sometimes simple is better.  :)

** Side note:  People very often believe that kids like Will don't understand emotion or feel empathy.  SO WRONG!!! He has such a sweet, gentle, and caring heart. 

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