Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I won't say where and I won't say who... but if you are this person... PLEASE:

  • Don't use a label to describe my son when talking to us.  Besides, the label you used is incorrect. PLEASE focus on his many strengths and not his few weaknesses.
  • Don't make assumptions about his abilities when you clearly have no idea. PLEASE understand that just because his social skills need some work doesn't mean that he needs help in all other areas of his life.  If you give him a chance, he will amaze you.
  • Don't talk about him like he's not there.  PLEASE remember that just because he didn't initate a conversation with you, he is still standing right in front of you... listening to and understanding what you are saying. 
  • PLEASE talk to him and treat him as if he were your own child.


  1. I would like this 100 times if I could. You are such a great mom and teacher. Big hugs from me. Rant on, soul sister. Leah

    1. I love knowing that my soul sister has my back! xoxo
