Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Reflection: Year #1

It was exactly last year this time, as we sat on the beach in Ocean Isle, NC (our family's annual summer vacation spot), that Jay and I had our first honest discussion about the pros and cons of homeschooling Will.  We had all just survived a mildly successful yet extremely frustrating and emotional first grade year in public school, and knew that there had to be something better for him "out there"... wherever that was.  Public school didn't fit him and it was painful to watch.   We knew that we didn't want to see what another year of the same was going to hold for him.

As soon as we got home, and after we broke the news to my two retired public school teacher parents, we completed all the (very little) required paperwork to be able to homeschool our boy.  Breaking convention... going against what I'd always known and believed... going against what just about everybody else I knew was doing... was one of the hardest parts of making this commitment. But this leap of faith into the direction of what we knew was right, but what we also knew many would disagree with, has been one of the best parenting decisions we've ever made.  And we have one happy and thriving boy to show for it!

The view into our days changed many times throughout the year... starting out rigid(ish) and public school-like in structure all day... then ending the year  with intentional instruction & book work in the mornings and strewing in the afternoons. We all prefer the latter.  

So how'd he do?  Will met all of his second grade math goals.  We continue to work on writing, which is not yet to his grade level, but is improving as his communication skills increase (which is only natural).  He loves to read and does so at a much higher level than is suggested for his age.  I let him take the lead on books most of the time during our weekly trips to the library, which he loves.  We took several field trips and tried to let him enjoy new life experiences as often as possible. His communication has increased... asking many more questions and adding extra information to conversations... and also initiates sharing things he has done or something he likes with us  many times each day. 

How'd I do?  Not too shabby.  I had my few emotional moments (see former posts), very few doubts... but overall the year was an overwhelming success in my eyes.  I feel accomplished that Will met all the academic goals I set for the year.  I fell apart a little in the Arts & Crafts department.  For as crafty as I am, I was disappointed that by the time we wrapped up academics & speech practice, I was all too willing to call it a day instead of pursuing something creative.   Not to say that we didn't do it at all, just not as much as I had visioned.

Will has Summer Work that he has to do Monday through Friday during the summer which is comprised of: reading comprehension, writing, reading chapter books, 2nd grade math review, math flashcards, telling time ipad apps, piggy bank ipad apps, and a few chores.  If done consecutively and with a reasonable amount of focus, his Summer Work takes him about an hour to an hour and a half to complete. .. and is usually finished before his sister rolls out of bed.  But it's summer... and if something doesn't get done, we don't sweat it one bit.

So that's it... our first year of homeschool in a nutshell.  Mostly ups, a few quick dips down, and lots of love and learning for all of us!

What a difference a year makes!

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