Thursday, July 3, 2014

Year One: Eight things I learned along the way...

I started our first year of homeschooling with many preconceived ideas... many of which changed throughout the course of the year.  Here are eight of the things I learned:

1. We get a lot more accomplished in a shorter amount of time than I imagined. This is one of the many advantages of working one-on-one. It took me time to get used to this idea, especially because one of the first questions curious people ask about our schooling is how long our day is/how many hours a day do we sit and learn. Those people are stuck in public school mode.

2. Don't depend on anyone else (but be willing to say yes to others if they offer to help).   

3.  Plans will change.  Many times.  And that's okay.  This is a learning process for all of us.

4. Every once in a while, it's okay to take an unscheduled day off.  Life happens and we just have to roll with it.

5. Our school doesn't have to look or feel like public school.  Learning is our goal and it takes many forms.

6.  But... most non-homeschoolers think that in order to be legit, our school should resemble public school.

7.  I have to be good at putting on my blinders and not care what other people think about me, Will, our choices, etc. 

8. Our school doesn't have to take place during traditional school hours.  Will learns just as well in the evening as he does in the morning and afternoon.

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1 comment:

  1. I love this!! I love that you've summarized your year. Self reflection is so important and you've inspired me to do the same! Thanks friend!
