Sunday, July 27, 2014

One of us...

I was rendered temporarily speechless today by someone asking an honest question: "How does your husband deal with the whole Will situation?" then continued with: "Does he do stuff with him?" She meant no harm by the question... but ouch.

I didn't know how to answer without coming across as offended as I was actually feeling. I had my immediate reaction of slightly tearing up (how I wish this wasn't my body's initial response!). I thought for a second, and spit out the best answer I could come up with: "Will may seem different to other people, but not to us.  Of course he and his dad spend time together.  He is one of us."

But as with most emotional moments in my life, I wasn't able to process my thoughts and feelings quickly enough and I spent the rest of the day thinking of what I wish I would have added to my answer.

I wish I would have said that he is in no way a burden (as I felt the question implied), but instead lifts our spirits and elevates our perspectives on all aspects of life. I wish I would have told her that Will is a huge, irreplaceable, perfect part of our family and without him -just as he is-  we wouldn't be complete.  I wish I would have said that we aren't "dealing" with a "situation"... but instead living a better life and are better human beings because of him.   I wish I would have told her that any family would be lucky to have a son like Will but I am thankful every day that he is ours. 

He is one of us... and we wouldn't want it any other way.

Posted via Blogaway

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