Friday, August 22, 2014

Back to school: Third Grade!

Obligatory first day of school picture

We started third grade this week... our second year of homeschool.  It felt good. Natural.  A BIG change from how we started out last year.

I'm excited for what this year will hold and all the fun learning activities that are ahead of us. A few things we have planned:

New academic skills: multiplication, division, expanded writing.  "Farm School" with Grandpa Fred. New long-term projects: 50 States Notebook, woodworking,  typing, multi-layered artwork, weaving. Science (his favorite) with Grandma Lynn. Community service projects.

In addition to academics, I have a few general goals in mind to help Will grow this year:

1) Give more opportunities for         
independent work
2) Work for slightly longer stretches of            time
3) Be more willing to break from lesson plans if a teachable moment presents itself
4) Go on more field trips... learn through life experiences.
5) Incorporate more art and music
6) Continue to build Will's confidence and ease his anxiety
7) Embrace more of the the freedoms that natrually come with homeschooling (learning doesn't have to look like school)!
8) Maintain a relaxed, encouraging, and positive learning environment

We both learned a lot last year, and I have no doubt that third grade will be any different! I'm looking forward to sharing this next part of our journey.

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